



1. 运用多种推拿按摩手法为患者进行专业治疗;
2. 针对顾客的身体健康情况,通过专业理疗方案减轻疾病症状,改善健康状态;
3. 严格遵守理疗工作中的安全规则和操作规定,定期对医务室的各种医疗器材消毒,更换;
4. 通过沟通,建立与顾客的良好关系,提高顾客的满意度。
1. 专业要求:推拿相关专业
2. 学历要求:中专及以上
3. 具有相关岗位证书
4. 遵纪守法,肯吃苦耐劳,有推拿按摩工作经验者优先



1. 广州市白云区某中医馆招聘推拿技师

1. 专业要求:推拿相关专业
2. 学历要求:中专及以上
3. 具有相关岗位证书
4. 有推拿按摩工作经验者优先


2. 广州市某养生会所招聘推拿技师

1. 专业要求:推拿相关专业
2. 学历要求:中专及以上
3. 具有相关岗位证书
4. 有推拿按摩工作经验者优先








1. 丝足按摩:广州的丝足按摩历史悠久,以其独特的按摩手法和舒适的环境受到众多消费者的喜爱。如广州唯觅丝足会所,以“时尚、天然、健康、愉悦”的品牌理念,为广大消费者提供高端定制休闲养生服务。

2. 抓龙筋按摩:广州的抓龙筋按摩源于泰国,以其独特的按摩手法和疗效而闻名。如广州玥汐抓龙筋工作室,凭借独到的技术和经验,赢得顾客的无数好评。

3. 泰式抓龙筋按摩:广州泰式抓龙筋按摩手法独特,具有舒缓疲劳、缓解压力的功效。如广州泰爱SPA抓龙筋工作室,专注于男士私密调理养护、前列腺保养等。

4. 足疗:广州的足疗历史悠久,具有丰富的种类和独特的技法。如广州金莲丝足按摩有限公司,提供专业的足疗、保健按摩、盲人按摩等服务。

5. 洗浴中心:广州的洗浴中心众多,如九号行馆、水玲珑会馆等,集水疗保健、香薰SPA、餐饮、美容、健身等功能于一体,为消费者提供一站式休闲服务。


1. 技术精湛:广州的按摩技师经过专业培训,手法娴熟,能够根据消费者的需求提供个性化的服务。

2. 环境舒适:广州的按摩场所环境优雅,装修风格独特,让人在享受按摩的同时,感受到身心的愉悦。

3. 服务周到:广州的按摩场所服务周到,从预约、接待到按摩过程,都体现了以人为本的服务理念。

4. 价格合理:广州的按摩场所价格适中,消费者可以根据自己的需求选择适合自己的服务。


1. 选择正规场所:在享受按摩服务时,请选择正规的按摩场所,以确保自身的权益。

2. 告知技师自己的身体状况:在按摩过程中,如感到不适,请及时告知技师,避免造成不必要的伤害。

3. 适当休息:按摩后,请适当休息,让身体充分吸收按摩的效果。

4. 保持良好的卫生习惯:在享受按摩服务时,请保持良好的卫生习惯,避免交叉感染。









1. 茶楼文化


2. 功夫茶


3. 茶餐厅




1. 茶叶品质


2. 品茶氛围


3. 社交互动




1. 举办茶文化活动


2. 推广优质茶叶


3. 创新茶文化
























1. 原料优质:广州茶具礼盒选用的原料多为景德镇瓷、宜兴紫砂、建窑青瓷等优质原料,质地细腻,色泽光亮。

2. 工艺精湛:广州茶具礼盒的制作工艺传承了我国传统茶具的制作技艺,如拉坯、修坯、上釉、烧制等,每一道工序都严谨细致。

3. 形式多样:广州茶具礼盒造型丰富,有传统的盖碗、紫砂壶、瓷器等,还有现代简约风格的茶具,满足不同消费者的需求。

4. 艺术价值高:广州茶具礼盒在造型、图案、纹饰等方面都体现了极高的艺术价值,具有很高的收藏价值。

5. 实用性强:广州茶具礼盒不仅外观精美,而且实用性强,适合品茗、送礼、收藏等多种场合。


1. 了解品牌:选购广州茶具礼盒时,要关注品牌口碑,选择知名品牌的产品,质量更有保障。

2. 观察外观:茶具礼盒的外观要整洁、无划痕、无破损,图案清晰,色泽均匀。

3. 闻气味:优质茶具礼盒的材质环保,无异味,选购时可以轻轻闻一下。

4. 摸质感:茶具礼盒的质感要细腻,手感舒适,不宜过于粗糙。

5. 询问价格:广州茶具礼盒的价格因材质、工艺、品牌等因素而有所不同,选购时要根据自己的需求和经济状况进行选择。


1. 保持清洁:使用后要及时清洗茶具,避免茶渍、茶垢附着。
2. 避免高温:茶具不宜长时间置于高温环境中,以免影响其使用寿命。

3. 避免碰撞:茶具礼盒在存放和搬运过程中要小心轻放,避免碰撞。

4. 定期保养:定期用茶巾擦拭茶具,保持其光泽。










1. 温泉:中心设有多个温泉池,水温适宜,水质清澈,富含多种矿物质和微量元素。游客可以在这里尽情浸泡,享受温泉带来的舒适与放松。

2. 按摩:水疗中心拥有专业的按摩师,提供全身按摩、足疗、头部按摩等服务。通过按摩,可以有效缓解肌肉疲劳,改善血液循环,增强免疫力。

3. 泥疗:采用天然火山泥进行泥疗,具有美白、保湿、抗衰老等功效。游客在享受泥疗的同时,还能感受到大自然的馈赠。

4. 药浴:选用多种中草药,如人参、黄芪、当归等,通过药浴的方式,达到调理身体、保健养生的目的。



1. 宽敞舒适的休息区:中心设有休息区,提供茶水、点心等,游客可以在这里放松身心,享受休闲时光。

2. 专业的水疗师:中心拥有一支专业的水疗师团队,他们具备丰富的经验和专业知识,为游客提供一对一的贴心服务。

3. 个性化定制:中心可以根据游客的需求,提供个性化的水疗方案,让游客享受到专属的养生体验。






In the middle of the bloody fog road, more than 20 people exploded continuously, and each stopped and rushed to the other camp with a hard shoulder!

"Brothers, go home when I die!"
The old oil first exploded a whole package of n feet and collapsed a 156-storey building. At this moment, the in-situ explosion instantly took away seven enemy people, and the heat wave hit the machine gun position and the gunner was overturned!
"Go home! !”
"Go home! !”
One by one, the shining old people rushed to the light of the fire like moths, exploding one by one and dying one by one
The people left in the front camp lost control when they saw the scene in front of them!
People who died there had comrades in arms, personal friends, good friends and even relatives!
Being alone at this moment has become a mourning army!
No propaganda, no sacrifice of morale, this moment has reached its peak! !
Hundreds of people roared and rushed forward together!
Looking at the dense crowd in the Pudai crowd, he knew the result in his heart. He was briefly silent and shouted, "There is no shame for school officials and officers to kill Pujun on the spot!"
The senior officers of the headquarters looked at each other and took up their guns and pointed them at their temples!
"Loud …!"
A series of shots rang out and four or five officers shot themselves in an instant!
"Want to die fuck your mother at this time you want to die? !”
"Bang bang!"
Several rounds of tear gas projectiles entered the scene, and the smoke spread violently around Pu and others, and some people couldn’t help coughing up. What breathing power did they have?
A battalion of soldiers rushed in like the tide, revolved their guns, rushed into the smoke and rushed at the position where there was movement, which was a slam!
"sonorous …!"
I don’t know if it was fate or coincidence that Urahara was the first person to shoot himself in the head, but there was no bullet in his gun. By the time he looked for the gun, tear gas had fallen. He coughed and was about to touch the gun when he was hit by a gun and lost his ability to move for a short time!
The smoke slowly dispersed, and the battlefield of Shura was a corpse, an injury, a cry, a collapse, and a cry.
"Brother Xing!"
"Old oil!"
Veteran Yao Guang shouted to find his comrades-in-arms. Even if they don’t live, everyone wants to leave a body for these people!
Many officers of Pu Command were captured alive. They are at least field officers, and the youngest is in their mid-30s!
"The surrender department surrenders!" Pu fell to the ground and pulled his neck and shouted at his soldiers.
PuJunTuan soldiers still holding a gun seems to make a last-ditch effort!
"Surrender! I order you to surrender!" Pu Wu wear shoulder shouted
The soldiers looked at each other and hesitated for a long time before throwing away their guns.
"According to the Coalition government convention, they are already prisoners of war. You need …!"

At five o’clock in the afternoon, a sound square sounded in everyone’s mind at the same time.

"Give you ten seconds to make the final choice. Raise your right hand if you obey my will! And those who are delusional and persist in opposing me can do nothing. "
To maintain order, the military and police raised their hands in unison for the first time, and then most of the news reporters also raised their hands in a hurry, while most of the "Notre Dames" gathered from all over the country did nothing, and a few people hesitated to raise their hands.
Ten seconds passed in the blink of an eye
Bang, the explosion sounded tens of thousands of sounds from different places at the same time.
More than 30,000 protesters gathered in the Parliament Square in Paris, France. The "spontaneous fire" part of the square exploded into blood foam like tomato juice. The whole square instantly turned into a red blood pool. Hell is not only these protesters, but even a few people who raised their hands slowly and forgot to respond at that moment exploded into thick "pulp juice".
Paris is a corner where the Lord God cleans the ball.
On that day, a large number of "die-hard" religious figures from all continents in Asia, Africa, Latin America refused to change their positions, claiming that the God of the Earth was an evil god, an evil priest or a certain sect, and all of them burst into blood in front of several believers at this moment.
On that day, more than 10 million people in the world were obliterated by the Lord God in the same way, including the leaders of diehard pope in various religious factions.
Speculators who are willing to convert to have it both ways are completely ill
From this day on, all religions on the earth perished. After that day, there was only one religion on the earth, that is, the newly born "main religion"
The divided earth was unified by the inhuman power of the Lord God in a few days.
Then the day when the light ball of the Lord God came to the earth was even designated as the "birthday of God" by all countries.
[End of volume]
Volume II
Chapter I Kingdom of God
On the tenth day after God’s birthday, two women and one man entered the gate of Xihai Civil Affairs Bureau.
The woman is Bai Yan’s sister, and the man is Bai Yan’s husband, Fang Yang Bai Ye, who accompanied her cousin to handle the divorce with her brother-in-law.
The collapse of Bai Yan’s marriage at such a rapid rate is also closely related to the arrival of the Lord God on the birthday of God.
Bai Yan asked the God a question that she couldn’t let go before being sent to the God’s light ball on God’s birthday.
"What is the situation in Wang Lei now?"
The Lord God told her openly that Bai Yan was very sad after learning that Wang Lei had been abandoned in an extremely dangerous world in Wang Lei.
At that time, the Lord God told Chairman Huang Shenyuan that the countdown from the previous day was originally intended to issue an assassination aimed at PQ16 plane, with the aim of killing those who were sent away from PQ17 Earth according to the Troyi Plan.
However, the Troy plan has been smashed by Wang Lei PQ16 flour, which has been cancelled, but Wang Lei has also been locked by PQ Lord God and brought back to this good "double Lord God" without telling the truth. From a king’s thunder body, he was given a death.
At that time, Bai Yan was very sad and comforted her. Her cousin Bai Ye made a request to the Lord God to send her and her cousin directly home.
The Lord God generously agreed, but it was a disastrous request.
When Bai Yan Bai Ye was sent back to their home in Xihai City, she accidentally saw Bai Yan’s husband Fang Yangzheng’s bed naked with another woman, rolled sheets, who was also naked. As a result, they suddenly appeared and caught the bed on the spot.
So this marriage also went to the end.
Ten days later, Bai Yan and her husband went through the divorce procedure with the Civil Affairs Bureau. The Bai family has a lot of influence in Xihai City, but Bai Yan’s husband and she are also the door to a senior official. When they divorced, they didn’t make any big deal, so they broke up seemingly "amicably".
After the divorce order was completed, Bai Ye took her cousin’s arm and left the Civil Affairs Bureau first, while her ex-husband Fang Yang lagged behind for several minutes.
Fang Yang walked out of the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau and a red Mercedes came over. The female driver who stopped at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau was his "mistress". The female driver’s face was swollen and covered with scars. It was the result of being beaten by Bai Ye when he was caught in bed that day. Now Bai Ye has changed for more than 100 days. The devil’s special training has made her have the ability to compete with the special forces in hand-to-hand combat. Where is her opponent? If Bai Yan didn’t stop the woman at that time, she was almost killed on the spot.
As soon as Fang Yang pulled the door in, there were a few uniformed people around him. They surrounded the Mercedes, then pulled the door and showed the arrest warrant to drive the couple out of the car, and then they were handcuffed together.
Fang Yang and his "mistress" were arrested on charges of "breaking the military marriage"-after the third EMP shock, Bai Yan, who was disconnected, was officially incorporated into the military.
Another car, Bai Yan, said to her cousin, "I’m done with him. Don’t make trouble."
Bai Ye said with a smile, "Don’t worry, cousin, I won’t meddle."
Bai Yan shook her head. "I don’t believe it. You’ve never saved the oil lamp. It’s over. Don’t make trouble again."
Bai Ye disdain "that kind of second-generation gigolo left my cousin. Are you still young and afraid that no man wants it? Think at the beginning that small is very good at that time, he was so obsessed with you … Well, I’m sorry, I won’t say it … "
Is car Bai Ye see cousin look a little dim to shut up.
"concentrate on the car and don’t talk about it!"

Thirty earth years is not short.

Lin Chongke, an avatar field in Zer exhibition country, is engaged in research and writing the history of the heavens and bringing eternity into the history of Kunlun.
There are also countermeasures in this process.
Every time I get some new knowledge of the heavens, Lin Chong will write a book.
In the process of copying, you can often get some inspiration, which is the truth.
Mastering the only secret means mastering the judgment standard of the top information channels in the heavens. Now every generate inspiration in Lin Chong’s heart may determine the future of Kunlun Xianzong.
I had a sudden change of heart before writing this time.
He has a doubt.
This matter has to be answered by Wan Mizhai.
Lin Chong’s high vision cannot come to Xu Jin where Wan Mizhai is stationed for the time being.
Worried about the ambush of Xu Jin Guo Gao Lin Tianyi.
Lin Chong and Earth Wen are most afraid of the concept of "changing nature into mystery".
So Lin Chong talked remotely through Wan Mizhai, the four-poster god of Kun-class starship.
Four-poster God has the ability of information communication when traveling, which was proved when the life heaven was complete. After the overall rise of human beings, the level of scientific and technological progress has changed with each passing day, and the ability of four-poster God to penetrate has become sharper.
The countermeasures bureau said that the era of soaring and myth is a leap-forward era of progress, and one earth year is often worth several years or even decades.
When the four pillars of God appeared, it was as if Wan Mizhai were alive in front of Lin Chong.
Two people meet in "human"
At present,’ human’ has gradually replaced buzhoushan.
Human-to-human information intermediary
In "human", the countermeasure bureau has arranged a table and two chairs standing on a heavy green hill, where there are green scenery everywhere.
"Wan Daoyou said that you remembered the past when you got the word. At that time, it was not the time to discuss it in detail. Now it is." Lin Chong also invited Wan Mizhai to sit down.
"High contact is too secret?" Wan Mizhai asked.
"It’s too split to achieve the only thing. I heard Li Boyang say," Lin Chong asked, "Is the only thing a concept? Is it the predecessor of Gao? "
"This is the opposite." Wan Mizhai shook his head. "It was the collapse of the Buddha and the birth of the Buddha. At that moment, twenty-four unique spirits were highlighted, and one escape was only twenty-four unique saints."
"What do you mean by doing this too much?" Lin asked curiously.
"One life is two, two lives are three, and three lives are all things." Wan Mizhai said with a smile, "It is the most suitable thing for him to do."
"That’s too late?" Lin chong asked again
"I died in a moment after the birth of the heavens," Wan Mizhai said. "After a short brake, I was followed by been followed for about three moments, and then I don’t know because I have been too degraded."
"Since it is lofty and eternal, it is also eternal. So when it was born, it was too high to be born. So?" Lin chong asked again
"Too is from the only height," Wan Mizhai said.
"The only high? Where is the only height when the century of the Buddha has not collapsed? " Lin Chong doubts.
Wan Mizhai dipped his finger in the tea table and drew a circle from beginning to end.
After the round painting, Lin Chong was shocked. "Tianmen? !”
"I guess so, too." Wan Mizhai said with a serious expression.
It should be serious.
According to Wan Mizhai, the first eternity was transformed from the only height, but now the only height has not yet been born, which means that the only height will inevitably be born, and the heavens will form a perfect circle after the birth of the only height like a swallow-tailed snake.
"End to end and last forever …" Lin Chong whispered. "Is this the goal of the immortals?"
"Are you familiar with Gouchen Tiangong and Ziwei Emperor?" Lin Chongwen
"Unfamiliar" Wan Mizhai shook his head
"You are qualified to strive for high places from Taitai when the celestial beings were born. That’s not your name at that time, is it?" Lin Chong asked again, "Which of the spiritual things that could be transported by heaven and earth in the era of God and Buddha were you?"
"Those memories don’t want to" Wan Mizhai laughed. "Just speak on condition of anonymity for fear of contaminating Gao Er."
Wan Mizhai doesn’t want to talk about it.
"Have you ever seen the only tall figure?" Lin chong asked again
"He looks like a mess and orderly lines. Every line is in order and order. At both ends, the Jade Emperor’s original avenue summoned him from the end of everything. When he saw his 24 top deities, he knew that the end had come …" Wan Mizhai recalled.
Described so clearly, Lin Chong believes that Wan Mizhai’s predecessor should be around the Buddha and the Jade Emperor.
"Tianmensheng only changed his wife’s broken Buddha’s land and bred the heavens and the heavens to regenerate Tianmen …" Lin Chong sneered. "This wishful thinking is so loud."
This is reincarnation.
Once the reincarnation is established, the heavens can last forever and ever.
Wan Mizhai meeting ends.
Lin chong’s countermeasures bureau continued to chat
"The Chinese Emperor is dying," Lin Chong told the Countermeasure Bureau.
"Why do you say that?" Experts expressed doubts that the Vientiane immortal emperor was speculating or predicting that he planned to evolve from a’ third-rate’ to a’ prophet’ after mastering the only secret.
"An eternity is about to be born, and this eternity is born out of Tianmen, which is definitely not what Ziwei follows. There can be an eternal rule, and Ziwei is going to die," Lin Chong said.
"What Wan Mizhai said may not be true," said the Bureau of Countermeasures.
"I know" Lin Chong nodded, not to say that Wan Mizhai intentionally lied, but that Wan Mizhai, after all, was not high enough, but what he saw and heard was not necessarily the truth.
"It’s true that I’m dying. I’ve seen the signs in the Metauniverse," said Lin Chong.
In the metaphysical universe

"Brother Jianlou!"

Simon Cher of Yunqi River has rushed to the past in utter amazement.
At this time, Qingyun platform has already dissipated in the dark night, and one of them is slowly collecting the sword and returning to the sheath.
Looking down, he looked down and refused to disdain Yun Jian Building. "Although you and your brother are a word difference, it is a world of difference!"
Obviously, the cold thousand means that although the Yun Jian building can also display the dust of the sword, it has not been perfected after all, and the south of Yun Jian is different from the world
Yun Jian Building was seriously injured. I heard that it was blood and blood that sprayed a mouthful of congestion and then resented syncope!
Leave anxious Cher and glare at Yunqi River.
Han Qian won. He not only defeated the sword of the same order to repair the Yun Jian Building, but also deterred the quartet from trying to benefit everyone.
Now, he has been qualified as a top performer by virtue of his strength
And the cold thousand Yun Jian building has pushed the competition for Qingyun list to a climax, which also made him fight for Qingyun platform enter a key stage
Compared with the face of strong strength, it is too cold to practice, and natural reason has chosen two Qingyun platforms that are relatively good at bullying it.
Mozhuang is not weak now because of his feet and hands at the end of the world. After defeating several tempters, he stabilized the fifth Qingyun Tower. This … did not make people think.
After all, the disciples’ understanding of Mozhuang is just an academic dude, and now they don’t have much spiritual strength, and they don’t think this brother can last long.
But it’s just luck that off the charts is standing still.
And the fourth Qingyun Tower is worthy of a hundred miles of Changfeng. After defeating the full moon and the jade, the Lord has firmly established Qingyun Tower.
Although there are tentative challenges, one person can shake the position.
At this time, the competition for Qingyun Taiwan can be described as the situation gradually.
Wood Yan evil three people covers an area of most people will challenge this past dynasties Qingyun competition is also mostly the case, after all, although these three people this method blessing gas capacity, but that one by one are condensation star dzogchen! And the physical strength is the vigor, and it’s all full of nuclei … What do you think? It’s all bad.
Therefore, this is also the reason why Qingyun leaders can generally successfully stay in the Qingyun list twice in a row, and it is also the only special thing that Yanyu Pavilion gives Qingyun leaders the second competition!
After all, the real purpose of Qingyun List is to rescue Qian Shan Yuhai. If a generation of Qingyun leaders who are familiar with Qian Shan Yuhai are eliminated, once the new Qingyun leaders enter the battlefield of Qian Shan Yuhai, it means that everything is strange!
This doubt will increase the risk of fall and failure, so almost every generation of top performers will be born with a generation of top performers.
Just like the goddess Bai Lianxing is living in two worlds.
Nowadays, except for Luo Yu, Long Qiu Fei Huang, Wei You, Yu Jie and Jia Nan, almost all of the remaining practitioners have taken the stage to challenge.
That is to say, in addition to these people, there are already people who can shake the remaining three Qingyun platforms.
Of course, not to mention’ full of energy’, powerful Muyan evil three people.
Chapter 511 Qingyun Feixue to Munan Feimo Yu
The second day of Qingyun competition has already ended.
The six leaders were born when Qingyun competed for the second day.
That is to say, there are just over two hours left before the end of the competition for Qingyuntai.
At this moment, the six people in Antai will survive this short period of less than three hours, and they can proudly stand at the peak of Qingyun and be blessed by the fate of mountains and seas, which makes Tian Junjie look forward to.
However, the more intense the competition is at the last moment, the more it is beyond everyone’s imagination.
The most surprising thing is that instead of choosing Mo Zhuang and others who are relatively easy to deal with, Na Guying Zongyu Barrier chose to challenge Ning Xing dzogchen’s epiphyllum and Wei Shang!
This really makes people feel confused, and there are many people who sneer at it.
I don’t blame everyone for this. What strength do you have? Don’t you have points? Actually go to challenge Ningxing dzogchen Wei, which is humiliating and different?
But what is even more shocking is that the yoga male saint has stepped into the Qingyun platform of Yanfeixue!
Gu yingzong, the two cattle walkers, really made everyone unable to understand. Are you crazy to say that Gu yingzong is crazy?
However, after the Yun Jian Tower War, Han Qian once again defeated Wei You, and like Yunjian Tower, he defeated the magical power of sealing the ring at night.
This doubt has raised people’s awareness of cold thousand a lot.
At this moment, Wei You is depressed and drooping his head and comes to Luo Yu and others. Luo Yu asks, "Have you found anything?"
"found? Hi ~ "Wei You scratched his head and thought for a moment, then said," It’s dark, and you can’t see the gods as if they were suppressed by a cold chill … How could the Great Sage be defeated if it weren’t for this? "
Los feather lost in thought.
Beside Longqiu Feihuang doubt try to say "doubt? Are you trying to seize this station? Can be on the stage … "
Feather slightly shook his hand and he looked at the nearby Taiwan cold thousand muses, "I think … what’s wrong with this cold thousand is not white at the moment."
As he said this, he looked thoughtfully at the eye. You are hurting me. I went to the Jade Barrier to see a display array, a hundred flowers folding fan to sacrifice the fire spell. It is a good fight, but it also has its own offensive and defensive.
While the Qingyun Terrace in the Swallow Flying Snow House is unusually quiet.
He ….. It’s said that Qingyun contended for the position of male and female, but at the moment, Yan Feixue actually played chess with the yoga male saint!
Such a violation of the picture is surprising to everyone.
Luo Yu saw it and looked back at the side of Longqiu Feihuang. He mused, "At the moment, the situation is getting better and better. Although it occupies one, it consumes a lot of money. The Feihuang Shaozhu can take over the stage."
"It’s the right way to look at me." Emperor Longqiu had already made a hasty ceremony and turned away.
At this time, Baicheng looked at the back of the flying emperor in Longqiu and worried, "Will it be too early for the flying emperor to go on stage at this time?"