





THANN SANCTUARY SPA理疗馆是一家高端SPA会所,以泰国传统SPA为特色,融合现代科技,为您带来全方位的放松体验。店内设有多个桑拿房,环境舒适,服务专业,是您放松身心的理想之地。









七、So SPA

So SPA是一家以女性为主的桑拿SPA会所,拥有多种女性专属的桑拿项目和按摩手法。在这里,您可以尽情享受桑拿带来的舒适体验,同时还能得到专业的美容护理。












1. 传统桑拿:传统桑拿是广州桑拿市场的主流,以高温、高湿为特点,有助于排出体内毒素,促进血液循环。

2. 汗蒸:汗蒸是近年来兴起的一种桑拿方式,通过远红外线加热,使人体大量出汗,达到排毒、减肥、美容等效果。

3. 沐足:沐足是一种以足部按摩为主的桑拿服务,通过专业技师的手法,缓解疲劳,舒缓身心。

4. 水疗:水疗是一种结合水力、机械力和物理疗法于一体的桑拿方式,有助于改善关节疼痛、肌肉疲劳等问题。


1. iSPA:iSPA是一家集桑拿、沐足、水疗于一体的综合性休闲养生场所,环境优雅,服务一流。

2. THANN SANCTUARY SPA理疗馆:THANN SANCTUARY SPA以泰国传统SPA疗法为主,结合现代科技,为您提供独特的养生体验。

3. 奈瑞儿:奈瑞儿是一家专注于女性养生的桑拿场所,提供专业的女性SPA项目,让您在享受舒适的同时,关爱自己的健康。

4. LaSpa御美会:LaSpa御美会以高端、奢华的装修风格著称,提供多种桑拿、水疗项目,让您在尊贵的环境中放松身心。

5. 天梦水疗中心:天梦水疗中心是一家集桑拿、沐足、水疗、足疗于一体的综合性休闲场所,环境舒适,服务周到。

6. 香格里拉CHI水疗:香格里拉CHI水疗是五星级酒店内的水疗中心,以独特的藏式水疗文化为特色,为您带来别样的养生体验。

7. So SPA:So SPA是一家以日式桑拿为主的休闲养生场所,提供多种日式桑拿项目,让您在轻松愉快的氛围中享受健康。

8. 熙SPA:熙SPA是一家集桑拿、沐足、水疗于一体的综合性休闲养生场所,环境优雅,服务周到。

9. 九号行馆:九号行馆是一家以高端、奢华的装修风格著称的桑拿场所,提供多种桑拿、水疗项目,让您在尊贵的环境中放松身心。

桑拿10. 蓝色海岸国际水会:蓝色海岸国际水会是一家集桑拿、沐足、水疗于一体的综合性休闲场所,环境舒适,服务周到。


1. 选择正规、信誉良好的桑拿场所,确保服务质量。

2. 遵循桑拿场所的规定,注意安全。

3. 桑拿前后,适当补充水分,保持身体水分平衡。

4. 有特殊疾病或体质的人,请谨慎选择桑拿项目。









1. 精选泰国进口精油:广州泰式传统推拿连锁选用泰国进口的纯天然香薰精油,具有舒缓神经、缓解疲劳、改善睡眠等功效。

2. 正宗泰式按摩手法:店内按摩师均经过泰国传统医药协会认证,掌握正宗的泰式按摩手法,能够有效缓解肌肉紧张、关节疼痛等症状。

3. 全方位的养生项目:广州泰式传统推拿连锁提供多种养生项目,如泰式古法按摩、泰式足疗、泰式精油按摩等,满足不同顾客的需求。

4. 专业的团队:广州泰式传统推拿连锁拥有一支专业、热情、负责任的团队,为顾客提供一对一的个性化服务。


1. 提高公众健康意识:广州泰式传统推拿连锁通过普及泰式按摩知识,提高公众对健康养生的认识,引导人们树立正确的健康观念。

2. 传承泰式按摩文化:广州泰式传统推拿连锁致力于传承和弘扬泰式按摩文化,让更多人了解和喜爱这一古老的东方瑰宝。

3. 创造就业机会:广州泰式传统推拿连锁为社会提供了大量的就业岗位,为经济发展做出了贡献。










1. 招生对象:热爱中医养生、按摩推拿事业,具备一定基础者;有志于从事按摩推拿行业的人员;在校大学生及社会各界人士。

2. 报名条件:年龄18岁以上,身体健康,无传染病。



1. 基础课程:中医基础理论、经络腧穴、推拿手法、中医诊断等。

2. 特色课程:《特色针法》、《传统针法》、《新型针法》、《中医十四经络腧穴》、《中医阴阳五行藏象学说》等。

3. 实践课程:长洋经络腧穴、阴阳拔罐刮痧刺血、雷火灸督脉临床疗法、推拿X光触诊诊断、长洋特色气功、高级中医推拿全套手法、长洋正骨理筋手法等。

4. 精油SPA课程:5类介质精油SPA推拿手法、30余种疾病手法临床实战、患者义诊临床实战教学、产后盆骨修复、盆骨闭合术等。



1. 面向各级医院康复中心、社区卫生服务中心、康复保健中心、康复护理院、养老福利院、老年公寓等各种康复机构及病患家庭,从事康复治疗、康复护理和康复保健工作。

2. 个体医生、乡村医生、有志从事康复理疗人士,经专业技术培训、专家跟踪扶持技术指导,成功创业。

3. 海外推广:以中医“未病先防”特色深受国外人士欢迎,是走出国门,海外就业的有效途径。


1. 报名方式:现场报名、电话报名、网络报名。


3. 报名地址:广州市XXXXXXXXX








1. 资讯丰富:广州车陂桑拿论坛狼网汇聚了广州、东莞、深圳等地各大桑拿场所的信息,包括桑拿场所的地址、价格、服务项目等,为网友提供便捷的查询服务。

2. 交流互动:论坛设有多个板块,如桑拿心得、桑拿技巧、桑拿优惠等,网友可以在这里分享自己的桑拿经历,交流桑拿心得,共同提高。

3. 专业指导:论坛汇聚了一批桑拿行业的专业人士,他们为网友提供专业的桑拿知识解答,帮助网友了解桑拿文化,享受桑拿带来的健康与舒适。

4. 优惠活动:广州车陂桑拿论坛狼网与多家桑拿场所合作,为网友提供优惠活动信息,让网友在享受桑拿的同时,还能节省开支。


1. 桑拿文化传承:广州车陂桑拿论坛狼网致力于传承和弘扬我国桑拿文化,让更多的人了解桑拿,爱上桑拿。

2. 人文关怀:论坛注重人文关怀,关注网友的需求,为网友提供全方位的服务。

3. 社区氛围:广州车陂桑拿论坛狼网拥有良好的社区氛围,网友之间互相尊重、互相关心,共同营造一个和谐、温馨的交流环境。

4. 实用性强:论坛内容丰富,实用性强,为网友提供了丰富的桑拿知识,帮助他们选择适合自己的桑拿场所。









1. 桑拿房:采用进口设备,温度可调节,顾客可以根据自己的喜好选择合适的温度,享受舒适的热蒸。

2. 汗蒸房:运用远红外线技术,通过高温促使身体出汗,达到排毒养颜、减肥瘦身的效果。

3. 土耳其浴:结合土耳其传统按摩手法,让顾客在放松身心的同时,缓解疲劳。

4. 芬兰浴:利用芬兰浴房内的干蒸设备,让顾客在短时间内充分出汗,达到健身、养生、美容的效果。

5. 休息区:设有舒适的沙发、茶几,顾客可以在此品茗、聊天、休息。

6. 茶艺馆:提供各类茶叶、茶具,让顾客在享受桑拿的同时,品味茶文化。

7. 瑜伽室:设有专业瑜伽教练,定期开展瑜伽课程,帮助顾客塑造健康体态。

8. 健身房:配备齐全的健身器材,让顾客在桑拿之余,进行有氧运动。



1. 桑拿技师:根据顾客的身体状况,制定合理的桑拿方案,帮助顾客达到养生目的。

2. 瑜伽教练:针对不同顾客的需求,开展针对性的瑜伽课程,帮助顾客改善体态、缓解压力。

3. 茶艺师:为顾客提供专业的茶艺服务,让顾客在品茗过程中,体验茶文化的魅力。




The plane that Wang Lei and his wife took escaped because of their proper handling.

And disasters don’t just happen every day. Many young people who have been left behind in other parts of the earth have also suffered or will soon suffer from "death accidents". Many people have died unexpectedly because of improper handling.
Wang Leiyuan’s behind-the-scenes people will kill them by means of "map cannon", but they didn’t think that the other side was a "special deputy"
The reaper’s Lord God asked one side, also noting all this, the sweeper’s Lord God said
"I didn’t see the play beforehand. Did you?"
"Me neither!"
Wang Lei was wrong about this, secretly noting all this, and the two main gods also guessed wrong. They knew this beforehand.
After discovering this, the two planes can’t be equal to being gods. The "main gods" all set off waves in their hearts.
It’s not only admiration for Wang Lei’s beautiful response to the law of causation, but also a pleasure to see an "unexpected" surprise beyond the master’s "complete control"
Wang Lei is the key!
Both the Lord gods agree with this view.
But the sweeper with home advantage found another new paradox through the core of PQ16 plane.
"Chengshazhi is pregnant!"
Chapter 33 Life and death
Manipulated by the Lord God for many times, the senior Lord God constantly shuttled through different worlds to carry out various kinds of activities. In this process, they had no less contact with the local aborigines. In several cycles, it often happened that the reincarnation met with the world plane and fell in love with their lovers, such as rolled sheets, and it also happened that the reincarnation was mixed with the senior plane and the plane bed rolled sheets.
But in the past few centuries, no one has succeeded in getting pregnant in this process
The reason is simple: the combination of two planes gives birth to a new crystal, which is forbidden by the "rules". The person who implements the rules is the god who secretly manipulates the plane.
The life in Chengshazhi’s belly was born not long ago when she and Wang Leijun were combined in the shower car. It is less than four hours now. At present, it is still a fertilized egg swimming in the fallopian tube, which has just undergone the first cell division after fertilization and has not even entered the women’s palace.
This life is so weak at this time that his father Wang Lei, the man who is the best at sensing the law of life on earth, has not sensed it, but he has been watching the couple’s movements and the two main gods have noticed it.
"What plane is not allowed to have children?"
"What plane and plane are not allowed to have the crystallization of life? Is there anything hidden in this? "
Whether it is the reaper god or the sweeper god, there are huge waves in my heart at this moment.
The birth of this life is a BUG for the master to make rules.
Monitor the plane and don’t allow them to crystallize! This executor is jointly executed by the high-level reaper God and the low-level indigenous God, but the sweeper God has not accepted this instruction.
If it used to be the reaper god or the sweeper god to carry out the "judgment" and "restart" of the plane, even if the plane became pregnant during the process, it would be wiped out by the indigenous god according to the rules for the first time.
And the higher reaper god is responsible for preventing this life from being born, and the second firewall has accepted the same instruction.
But PQ16 plane is not the indigenous god. He gave up his plane and escaped. The first firewall was not from the beginning.
Once upon a time, Wang Lei and Yarn Weaving had children because the second firewall, the PQ reaper God, still controlled the world. According to the rules, he kept secretly preventing them from having children on this plane.
If the PQ God himself is "forced" to carry out this "judgment day", Wang Lei and Chengshazhi still have the crystallization of future generations.
However, on the judgment day, the executor has become a higher-level five-line sweeper God. He did not receive such a rule instruction, but the PQ reaper God, who used to control PQ16, recovered all his power according to the "rules" because he was also experiencing "judgment" and "cleaning", making PQ16 a plane without a god.
All firewalls that prevent the plane from having descendants due to the negligence of the master are no longer there.
Because a paradox was not solved in time, more new paradoxes were finally born.
At this time, the eyes of the two gods have been firmly fixed on the plane sitting in the driver’s seat, where the new life is now a fertilized egg with only two cells
But in the eyes of the two gods, this new life is of extraordinary significance.
Life and death in all plane worlds are controlled by the God who secretly rules the world.
After death, the soul returns to the Lord God. Usually, the Lord God will "smash" the world and restore the soul for the first time, and the most basic materials will be scattered in the void, making it a part of the "law" of the world.
This is the process of "death"
The birth process is another situation.
In many human eyes, life should be born at the moment when the baby leaves the mother and the umbilical cord is cut.
But in the eyes of the Lord God, life was born earlier. At that moment, he broke through the combination of cell membrane and egg. At that moment, the law of life came from the combination of male life and female life. In this process, the law was wonderful, compared with the "law reaction", which absorbed the substance that constituted the soul base from the virtual and then gave birth to a new soul.
This is the process of "living"
This is how life and death are repeated in all the multiverses.
But not all the birth and destruction of life follow this cycle completely.
There are exceptions, and the soul will receive special treatment, which is even more directly contrary to this cycle.
The former, such as the reincarnation of the Lord God, when they die in execution, the Lord God will protect their souls and then recast the flesh to "live" again according to the situation.
Wang Lei is the best example of the latter. He also violated the law of "life" in the process of being born in this world. He was born with his own complete soul and even memories.
The reaper said to the sweeper
"The so-called plane is the crystal of all the laws that make up a plane. Two lives, a man and a woman, have their own life laws that collide with each other by means of the combination of sperm and eggs, and then a new soul is born."
The sweeper replied, "the law stands for everything. Everything is the law! This is that truth that all the Lord God know. "
The reaper asked, "What do you think will happen if the two-plane crystal law is combined?"
The sweeper replied, "I am responsible for clearing away destruction. I have never done such a thing."
The reaper said, "In the past few generations, I have destroyed more than 1,000 such newly born souls according to the master’s compulsion, and more than 50 of them are the crystallization of these two planes in the past six years."
"Then you must know what this crystallization will be?"
The reaper god regrets tunnel "the answer is I don’t know! I don’t know what this mandatory command is because it is destructive and forbidden to touch, but I think it must be what the master is most afraid of, and now the crystallization comes from the paradox plane law crystallization and another plane crystallization. Do you know what this means? "
The sweeper’s Lord God said, "A greater paradox was born!"

Then there was another burst of sadness and a rant about the bad menstruation of the three brothers outside.

However, I found that the ring originally owned by my ancestors had such a function. I was a little disappointed and nodded at Immortal and smiled at my lovely nephew.
Into the magic sword living room road Li Chengzhu got some news from Sixth Martial Uncle.
There are about 12,000 brothers of the three factions. It seems that the forces behind the three factions in Li Chengzhu have already dispatched these three factions with a little fighting power.
And Li Chengzhu didn’t come. During this period, three brothers surrounded the Magic Sword Sect from time to time to harass them. When they encountered stubborn resistance, they withdrew and retreated. During this period, nearly 100 brothers have died, and all the brothers are in panic. If the situation cannot be reversed in a short time, the magic sword Sect will break up.
The strength behind them can’t surprise these things, but Li Chengzhu can’t help it.
In the whole world of cultivating immortals, the remaining Acacia Sect and Magic Sword Sect have not been wooed by the three major forces. If you want to increase your power, you must have a firm and powerful power training base.
For immortals, there is no better breeding ground than Xiuxian Sect.
If you solve the magic sword crisis beautifully and cleanly this time, your uncles will definitely take refuge in yourself after they become immortal.
So are those brothers.
Chapter 22 Sneak attack on prisoners
After chatting with Sixth Martial Uncle, Li Chengzhu realized that Magic Sword Sect now has less than 2,000 brothers.
Moreover, most of them are in the combination period, and the out-of-body period and distraction period account for the vast majority.
Thinking about the weak fellow disciples who have been repairing, Boss Li suddenly felt that he was tall, and he had been hit hard for days, and his self-confidence accumulated and swelled, even shaking when he walked.
After Li Chengzhu arrived at Magic Sword Sect, he was asked for information, and his brother came back to report that three brothers ten miles away were retreating.
Half a day later, my brother will report that the three brothers have camped 50 miles away from the magic sword Sect
Magic sword sect several ShiShu looked at Li Chengzhu eyes more hot.
I hope so. That is to say, in a desperate situation, I will retreat a thousand troops by myself.
The siege crisis of Magic Sword Sect is temporarily relieved, and the nerves have not rested for many days. Martial uncles feel more tired when they relax at the moment, and so does the younger brothers with less than 2,000 heads.
You’re welcome to sue Li Chengzhu for a crime. Magic Sword Sect left four martial uncles to guard, and everyone went to meditate and recover.
Magic Sword Clan Hall Over the years, Magic Sword Clan has been more lonely and squeezed than Albizia Clan. This entertaining living room looks a little old and pedantic.
Boss Li touched Ba and meditated. Several bodyguards each took a bowl of tea and drank leisurely. Luo Sihai glanced at Li Chengzhu from time to time to find some clues or his ideas from him.
"What about Zhuxian?" Beauty’s granduncle is always in danger. Although the three brothers were beaten by Li Chengzhu, they have now withdrawn from 50 miles away, but it is not the way out. It is really detrimental to the title of Magic Sword Sect.
What’s more, this 12,000-head vanguard is a bait for harassment and lure the snake out of the hole.
Li Chengzhu also has a headache now. That’s more than 10,000 people killed outside the door? It’s detrimental to Tianhe’s morality. Can’t you hold your heel and not kill? On the Magic Sword Sect, neither Li Chengzhu nor others can swallow this tone.
Li Chengzhu at that time some hesitation.
Hearing the beauty granduncle’s question, Boss Li hung a wry smile.
Liu, a big man, killed the tea urn in the cup and said angrily, "Xian Chang, I’ll kill them."
Luo Badao squinted at the corner of Liu Sanbiao’s eye with a smile. This big guy is still not angry. He lost a while when he secretly competed for the magic weapon power. Now he can’t wait to think of killing a few people to get back.
"Kill is to kill, but you have to keep your feet steady." Li Chengzhu gently buckled the chair handle and frowned.
The other party just wants this absolute overwhelming number to lead to the immortal’s hand on their side so that they can have an excuse to manage the socket.
Li Chengzhu, although it doesn’t matter that the other party uses this childish strategy to see through it at a glance, is not willing to walk directly into this trap like this.
If only there were any way to get them to take the initiative.
"Bullying" Li Chengzhu turned to kill God "Did you feel any strong pressure just now? For example, Jin Xian picks the golden fairy? "
Luo Badao shook his head slowly.
Wu Rui frowned and asked, "Do you think those immortals are hidden among those 10 thousand people?"
"Yes," Li Chengzhu nodded. If those people want to do something to themselves, they must observe it closely and then look for opportunities. It is impossible to hide in the distance.
Luo Sihai picked his eyebrows and said, "Li Xiong, although I have such doubts, I didn’t feel the strong pressure fluctuation."
"squeak!" The little thing leaned out from Wan Yue’s chest and called two with disdain.
Boss Li smiled and didn’t feel it, but it doesn’t mean that he didn’t speculate on himself and add something sensitive. He can be sure that there are definitely many high-level immortals hidden in the pile of immortals, spying on his side. If the bodyguards behind him just now made moves, those people definitely came out and killed themselves unprepared.
And they didn’t make moves. On the one hand, they feared the real strength of their bodyguards. On the other hand, they even killed themselves with a few people in such a bold way.
Whether it was the Heaven Guards or the Shangdu business group forces who first came to their own request, but one army was wiped out and two people escaped from the other side, it is impossible for them to make moves if they can’t spy out the strength of their own department and have absolute confidence in taking their own words.
And acacia Zong Zheng is under siege? Li Chengzhu, hey hey, sneer at the theory of what kind of forces will definitely put the main force on acacia Zong’s side, while the opponent on magic sword Zong’s side is most likely to play a role in containing himself … and those powerful bodyguards.
"In terms of numbers, we have no advantage, and we are extremely inferior. We can’t attack and defend, and we can’t shoot first." How can we fight this battle with a depressed face when picking roses at night?
Wu Rui smiled and stretched out his hand to Li Chengzhu for a move. Boss Li quickly posted his ear.
Li Chengzhu corner saw several people set up their ears when they were seated.
After listening to the beautiful granduncle’s plan, Li Chengzhu gave a thumbs up, which was almost the same as what he thought, but Wu Rui’s idea was more kind than himself.
After all, it’s a woman. Li Chengzhu has a dark sigh in his heart
However, once again, Li Chengzhu decided to accept Wu Rui’s opinion when he thought that he had suffered such a powerful doom because of killing too many people.
When it got dark, Boss Li and others disappeared. Jiang Ziyin was alone in the magic sword Sect, not to mention that his nephew and even his third brother and uncle were gone. The only one left was Luo Sihai.
When Jiang Ziyin went to ask, Luo Sihai smiled and said that he didn’t know.
Did these people go to sneak attack three factions? Jiang Zi-yin’s heart is happy and sad at the same time. There are teachers and nephews, and the magic sword Sect will definitely be safe. The worries are those who follow the teachers and nephews, but if the immortals intervene in this matter, they will definitely be reviled by the cultivation of immortals, and then the magic sword Sect will be destroyed.
Boss Li went to sneak attack on the game-writing protocol ring, which contained several bodyguards who followed him, but he wanted to sneak attack on those who cultivated immortality for himself, and they didn’t have to do it.
Li Chengzhu even suddenly poured out a large number of higher immortals when he attacked himself.
The dim night is a good time for meditation to recover.
Li Chengzhu shoulders against the little thing, which guides and hides the three camps where cats walk around their waist.
More than 12,000 people talk about how dense the station is, and the area is not small.
Boss Li’s goal is to stay away from those hidden higher immortals and cultivate immortals.
There are too many people and chaos in the three factions. Who can recognize who it is? Li Chengzhu conjured up other people’s appearance again. Although several people glanced at him with their eyes open, they were deceived by his evil smile.
Slowly walked to a place where about two hundred people gathered to see hundreds of heads appeared with a wave of Li Chengzhu’s hand.
When those cultivators haven’t shouted, every two people will deal with one who will directly bring these cultivators down and out and then be taken back by Li Chengzhu again.
The scene is wide open, leaving those residual chaotic pressures in the air.
Jiang Ziyin didn’t rest all night. On the one hand, he wanted to drag his brothers with magic swords to help his teachers and nephews. There were no cowards. After two hundred years of decline, staying with magic swords was more loyal. It was this time that he was besieged by three brothers, which completely broke the hope. If they saw that Li Chengzhu brought a glimmer of light, they would definitely become brave soldiers. Jiang Ziyin was convinced of this.
But on the other hand, Jiang Ziyin hesitated a little.
My nephew didn’t tell himself that he was going to sneak attack. What if he wasn’t? Even if I rushed over with all my brothers, I could not return safely.

"Good le drink!"

The two of them didn’t continue the topic just now, and talked about gossip for a change.
After drinking for about half an hour, Lin Chengdong felt almost the same and rushed to Xiaoliang and said, "You sit down for a while and I’ll go to the toilet!"
Xiaoliang knew that Lin Chengdong was going to pay the bill, but he didn’t stop nodding and replied, "Hehe, go ahead!"
Lin Chengdong conveniently hit the desktop carry-on bag and pulled out two steps from the inside, then walked towards health.
Xiaoliang sat in situ, drank two mouthfuls of wine and ate two dishes. With the strength of wine, he always deliberately swept to Lin Chengdong to put the table bag. When the latter took the money just now, he saw what was inside and somehow had an impulse in his heart.
I don’t know whether it’s the desire of the heart or the curiosity. Xiaoliang grabbed chopsticks and gently picked a bag.
The bag is very bulging, and Xiaoliang picks it up with chopsticks, revealing five or six stacks of cash inside.
The wine poured in and the lights lit up. Looking at the money in the bag, I paused for a long time and then put the chopsticks away. Then I couldn’t help thinking, What is Lin Chengdong doing now? Seems to be doing well …
At the bar, Lin Chengdong came back after buying the bill and said with a smile, "Come and let’s dry the wine in the cup. Today is almost the same."
"Have you finished buying the bill?" Xiaoliang asked
"Well conveniently bought" Lin Chengdong nodded.
"Oh, I thought I’d invite you today. I’m embarrassed that you always pay the bill."
"It’s all the same, then let you invite me, hehe." Lin Chengdong didn’t look at the handbag and sat down and continued to drink with Xiaoliang.
After Feng Beiying Daya came back, he first called to thank the head of the division and others, and then went to the clinic to hang up the intravenous drip.
After being tossed for two days in a row, Daya was too tired to add medicine, which made him sleepy. He fell asleep in the hospital bed after a while.
At nine o’clock in the evening, the needle had been pulled out. In a daze, he heard a fierce step outside the door. As soon as he turned his side and opened his eyes, he saw the second company commander of Li Ying coming out.
"You two are back." Daya sat up slowly and quipped with a smile. "How did you suffer? !”
"Theway is in the hospital," said Deputy Li Ying directly.
Daya zheng "in the hospital?"
"Beaten" Li Ying nodded and replied "Just sent to the city hospital by the picket!"
"fuck! What are they doing at me to hit Theway? " Fang ass thought it was also a picket. He immediately got into bed and asked, "What about that hospital?"
"221 Hospital!"
"Go and see him by car!" Daya picked up his coat and stepped out the door.
After more than an hour.
Theway, a company commander, was seen in the Daya ward of the surgical inpatient department of the hospital. He suffered from two fractures all over his body and bruised his whole cheek. There was no good place left.
The feelings of comrades-in-arms are different from those of ordinary people. When they are together, it is more than when they are with relatives. If only they rolled over the shop and carried the gun, it would be like brothers.
The fangs at the sight of Theway was so angry on the spot "how fucking electrocuting? To beat people like this? !”
"He … they caught me first and kept asking … if you made a gun at the door of the hotel one day, if you deliberately took the soldiers to where … to clear Qin Yu …!" Theway lay in bed and gasped, "They beat me for a fucking day and a night without telling me!"
The veins stood out suddenly and violently on his forehead.
"What are you than we come out after? Isn’t the regimental headquarters working together? " Li camp deputy asked.
"One day in Tailai Hotel, it’s mainly because we shot me in a row. My mouth is more important. He wants me to bite the battalion commander. I don’t even spit when I die … I always say that it’s a soldier’s spontaneous gun because I don’t know how you said it can kill this." Theway gasped and replied, "So they have been messing with me and have dealt with it according to discipline … Fuck me, I may be stripped, and I may have to be taken to the military waiting court."
"ah? !” Deputy Li Ying asked incredulously, "Is there still a court session?"
"He gave me all the information. I didn’t bite the battalion commander. They couldn’t finish. They could buckle the pot to my head." Theway licked his chapped lips. "Fuck it. Everyone knew that our camp had been the whole party, government and regimental headquarters by default, but it was done by one of our own … OK, I can’t recognize the boss and quit!"
Changing jobs and being forcibly stripped of clothes are two different things. What’s worse, Theway may be sued by the Ministry of Justice. This kind of treatment is equivalent to having recognized that Zhang Wei returned to the place after committing a crime during his service, and the army will not give him any benefits!
As a result of such disgusting treatment, Daya’s mentality was completely blown up. He looked at Theway’s words and said concisely, "… I can find you a good home even if you undress! But this thing is not over! "
Say that finish fangs turned and left the room.
Deputy Li Ying felt wrong and immediately chased out and shouted, "Don’t be impulsive! What are you doing?"
"Fuck you, you can’t be a soldier without this evil spirit!" Daya glared at her eyes and scolded, "The Japanese dog supervision bureau can’t clean up you and I will clean up you!"
"You don’t impulse you get him …!"
"I’ve long wanted to leave without this. Fuck him!" Daya kept stepping towards the ladder.
"I’ll fucking go!" The second company commander also came running.
urban district
Sha Xuan shrugged his eyelids and yawned at Sha Yong and asked, "Which side is going to come? Is the frame so big? "
"Can you sit quietly for a while and keep your mouth shut! Can you close it? !” ShaYong irritable replied.
"Not we have what enemy? Can’t I fucking say a word now? " Sha Xuan is in a hurry.
ShaYong swept his one eye, "how do you like cerebral palsy? ! There are so many people waiting for that person who is no higher than you. What are you trying to force? !”
"You fucking scold me!"

"Didi Lingling!"

When the bell rang, Qin Yu immediately picked it up. "Hey, commander!"
"It’s estimated that it’s almost over. Are you ready to chat with Pu Blind?" Gu Taian Audio started.
Chapter 1766 cocktail party
The main force of the first fleet in the fifth district, Waigang, unleashed heavy artillery and violently attacked Pu’s offensive zone to cover the evacuation of Wu Junsheng rebels like no money.
Three 570,000-ton troop carriers near the port entered the dock to meet the evacuation of Wu Junsheng rebels.
At the moment, the South Shanghai Fleet has not yet arrived in the war zone, and there is no support on the sea surface of Sopu, and the existing firepower can’t reach others. The fleet can try its best to avoid the enemy’s sea fire and clean up from the surrounding area, and Wu rebels have not yet run out.
After four hours of fierce fighting between the enemy and the enemy, the war drew to a close.
After paying a painful price, the new government forces in Wu Junsheng left the old triangle area by troop carrier.
In this battle, there were nearly 40,000 rebels in Wu Junsheng. However, after Puxing committed suicide, some anti-war troops of the Yugoslav capital brigade turned their backs on Pu, and less than 20,000 people actually participated in the war.
After two days of fierce fighting, there were less than 20,000 troops, more than 1,000 people died, nearly 10,000 people were defeated, the prisoners were disarmed, and finally they boarded the ship and fled, leaving more than 7,000 people, which was a terrible scene.
After the troop transport ship left the port, the first fleet of Area 5 quickly evacuated under the cover of it.
The next day, the South Shanghai Fleet arrived near the mouth of the river and symbolically chased the waters of Area 5. After seeing each other’s deep-rooted love war, they could finally retreat.
In addition to Gu Chen’s gains in Chuanfu District, the cheapest thing in this Pu War was that the General Political Department of the Seventh District Army Department opposed Pai Cheng in World War II.
They did send out the navy, but after a circle along the estuary, they removed it, burning a little oil roots inside and outside, but in the end they got 10% shares from Han Sanqian without his investment.
This is the first time that the anti-Chen forces in Area 7 have taken advantage of the salt island problem, but there is nothing to defend Qin Yu’s side. Because the South Shanghai fleet is not moving, Area 5 will definitely not go and the war will continue.
All I can say is that the military and political officials in the seventh district are not given away for nothing. Too fucking will seize the opportunity.
As soon as the rebels in Wu Junsheng fled from the old triangle, there would be no oil and water to take. Qin Yu and Teng Pang added up, and they all felt that it was not good for their troops to wander around. They immediately transferred their troops back to three san.
Three days later.
Pu blind after finishing the finishing work immediately met Qin Yu Gu Yan Teng Pang and other 20 "friendly" main officers.
The old triangle area won the battle, and everyone must be flattered by it. They immediately returned to the appointment with pleasure.
Saturday noon
Menghan town martial law Qin Yu Gu Yan Teng Pang and others each sat in a whole Yugoslav capital regiment surrounded by generals and military vehicles.
Qin Yu, a car colleague, looked at wearing a school coat and licked his sentence with alacrity. "Big brother, you look a little head-on now!"
"Ha ha! After the battle in the old triangle, Gu Yan Teng is fat. They are all halo-added. It’s not good for this old dog to hang a lieutenant." Qin Yu said sourly. "What about me? I followed up with a lively army establishment or division rank and didn’t go … There was a Mao head meaning. "
"That’s not the same. Gu Yan is the commander-in-chief of the northwest, and he will be sooner or later," Daya said with a smile. "But he’s too fierce again, and you’ve actually ascended the throne. This rank establishment is nothing. If you really want a birthright, why don’t you just declare independence?"
Qin Yu waved his hand, "It’s still early to leave that step."
"Then you can endure it, hehe." Daya replied naively.
Pu deliberately let the "friendly" group show up in front of the local people. The speed of the motorcade was arranged according to the process of receiving the regional delegation, and it took more than 40 minutes to go to the office building.
The main generals of the Houpu Command of the People’s Car came out to meet the people of the Office of the Old Triangle Area Autonomy.
A list of complicated and boring reception etiquette will not describe what happened at the reception dinner after the meeting between the people’s offices in the afternoon.
More minutes late.
The host of the gathering hall of the civil affairs office shouted softly, "Welcome the commander-in-chief of Pu Corps to speak!"
A burst of enthusiasm in the palm of your hand, Pu blindly dressed in the commander’s army, although not tall, but with a strong aura, stepped into the venue and waved at everyone.
Qin Yu Gu Yan whispered around him, "Commander Pu is still quite elegant!"